The Newsletter
Charlie is busy working on The Newsletter which will come out with May's eletter. If you have any stories about experiences in feeding with special circumstances, birth announcements and other local breastfeeding news do let Charlie know either at one of the meetings or by email, call one of the leaders for her email adres.
Baby Led Weaning Survey
If you would like to help out with some research at the University of Nottingham on Baby Led Weaning please email Dr Ellen Townsend (call on of the leaderrs for her email adres). She is looking for parents of children (currently 20-72 months) who have been weaned using Baby Led Weaning to complete a questionnaires on their experience of BLW and their child's food preferences.
News from the Bristol Precious Drops Campaign - April WhincopThe Bristol Precious Drops campaign organised a zip ride into the Avon Gorge on 28th March. I did it as well as my son Ralph! It was pretty scary stepping off into a very big and high space, and I did fly down at 30 mph - but I'm very proud of myself for doing it! Big congratulations to the Infant Feeding Team at Southmead and Eva Fernandes at Born - as well as lots of others - for doing such a lot of organisation to make the day possible. Let's hope lots of money has been raised for the future milk bank unit.
Ed note: Well done April and Ralph! We are now seeing a more adventurous side of you we didn't know existed!
Breastfeeding Awareness Week
Breastfeeding Awareness Week is the second week of May, but as yet we have no firm plans as we are still discussing a venue. We will let you know in the next eletter what we are doing in time to be able to make plans to participate.
If you are interested in the whole newsletter, please join the yahoogroup for free, at the left side of this website.