La Leche League is a registered charity and its Leaders work as volunteers. You can support this good work by becoming a member of La Leche League. A £30 annual subscription brings you Breastfeeding Matters, a fantastic bimonthly magazine, and helps LLL provide mother to mother support for other breastfeeding mums.
You don't have to be a member to come to our group, but if you are interested in supporting us further, membership benefits are:
If you feel unable to become a member of LLL right now, then do consider making a donation to the group if you can.
- Receive our bi-monthly members' magazine, Breastfeeding Matters
- Support your local group. Your membership fee helps us to support mums by supplying the latest information sheets, promoting our group to reach more mums, and purchasing resources for mothers to access
- Access the local Group library. Group libraries are often open to non-member visitors at meetings but some of our books are for members only, especially new editions.
- Help LLL provide mother-to-mother support for other breastfeeding mums
- Family and un-waged family memberships available
- Memberships for health professionals are also available
If you feel unable to become a member of LLL right now, then do consider making a donation to the group if you can.