Sunday, 16 August 2009

Forthcoming fundraiser

Everyone is invited to a fundraiser for La Leche League on Saturday 12 September, 10am to 2pm, at a Car Boot Sale at The Southville Centre, Beauley Rd, Southville. All profits will go to support LLL Bristol. So we need your help - have a clear out and pass on to us any items that we could sell (clothes, toys, books, household things etc) or make us up your favourite recipe - everything you can give us will be very much appreciated!

Anything you have to donate can be dropped off beforehand at either Charlie's house (39 Hamilton Rd, Southville) or April's house (53 Zetland Rd, off Gloucester Rd) or you can bring things along on the day of the sale.

The La Leche League table will be in the Beauley Room, which is behind the main hall. We hope to see you there!