Thursday, 22 April 2010

It's official - Bristol is breastfeeding friendly!

Great news for Bristol in that UNICEF have accredited us as the first Baby Friendly City in England and Wales.

NHS Bristol and NBT Child Health Partnership have achieved this UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Community Initiative accreditation. Voluntary organisations in Bristol such as La Leche League are recognised has having set the scene for helping this to happen with our presence over many years. Congratulations to all involved!

April Coffee Morning

We're looking forward to catching up with folks at the Coffee Morning at Jenny's lovely house on 28 April. This informal meeting is open to everyone to talk about anything they like. We will be focusing a bit on toddlers and nighttime parenting ideas, but do come along if you have a younger baby too or just want to hang out and have a chat over a cup of tea with other mums.