Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Next meeting - July

We'll next be meeting on Thursday 12 July at 53 Zetland Rd from 10.15am for a 10.30am start to discuss 'Overcoming Cultural Obstacles'. 

See the 'Meetings...' tab for more info and map. Everyone is welcome and we'll hopefully cover any other questions or concerns that you may have.

Or come just for a chat and a cup of tea - we'd love to see you!

Remember that you can always ring any of us Bristol Leaders in between meetings to ask any question that you may have. Tel nos on left hand side of blog.

With love from the Bristol Leaders

things nobody told me!

Thanks to everyone for a lovely meeting last Thurs on the theme of things I wish I'd known before I had my baby.

Thank you also and especially to Jenny for leading her first La Leche League meeting and congratulations on becoming a LLL Leader!

There were some delicious snacks, thank you so much for bringing these along, and most of all for coming - you are what make the meetings what they are!