Monday, 23 December 2013

New for 2014:

There will be some changes to the meetings for LLL Bristol in 2014.

There will be a final ‘Series Meeting’, for mothers with younger babies, on 9 January 2014 at 53 Zetland Rd.

From February meetings will stay on the same day and time – the 2nd Thursday of every month at 10.30am to 12pm - but the venue and focus of meetings will change. 

Meetings will be held in Bradley Stoke and will be concentrating on the issues that arise for mothers of breastfeeding toddlers. Of course mothers with younger babies are welcome to attend as well.

For further information and meeting updates please check here regularly or our Facebook Group ‘La Leche League – Bristol’. 

Information will now appear here instead of via the e-letter yahoo group, which will be closing.

Finally, a reminder that if you would like to become a member of La Leche League and have not yet joined, the New Year is a great time to sign up. During January you get 15 months of membership for the usual 12 month cost. More information our membership pages.

Have a great Christmas and a very happy 2014!
The Bristol Leaders