Saturday, 4 September 2010


We would very much like to hear from you if you have been supported on your breastfeeding journey by Bristol Leader Floredia. Floredia is currently taking a break from La Leche League activities but she has been a long-standing presence in the Bristol LLL group. She was running the group with Janet Griffiths when April arrived 11 years ago and had previously worked with other LLL groups. Her wonderful warm personality has been a godsend to many a mother and baby so do get in touch if you have a memory to share. I personally remember ringing Floredia as early in the morning as I thought was decent (I think it was 7am) after having been up all night with Theo (my second) on his first night failing to get him to feed. She was absolutely amazing and immediately focused completely on me and my worries and listened with such empathy and kindness and respect. She then managed to make me laugh and reassured me with just a few words and gave me renewed confidence. I can’t remember exactly what she said but her words worked magic and I relaxed enough to be able to almost immediately sit down and Theo latched on and fed. Oh the relief and joy, it makes me cry to think about it now! Email me at


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