Monday, 24 September 2012

If you would like some help with breastfeeding in between Bristol La Leche League meetings then you can always call one of the Bristol Leaders, or the national Helpline. 

Or you can come and see me or Vicky Dickson at one of our weekly breastfeeding groups. I'm at Hartcliffe Children's Centre, Hareclive Rd, Bristol BS13 0JW every Monday from 1-3pm. There is a play worker to entertain toddlers and it's a lovely place for a chat over tea with other mums. 

Vicky is at Zion every Friday from 1-3pm. There is a play worker with toys in this lovely cafe. 

We'd love to see you there


Sunday, 23 September 2012

The next meeting will be on Thursday 11 October and we'll be discussing ways to make time for breastfeeding. We'll be meeting at 53 Zetland Rd from 10.15am until about midday. See the page on 'Meetings, Dates, Times and Locations' for map and directions.

Hope to see you there,
with love from the Bristol Leaders

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

URGENT - we need to change the location of the LLL meeting tomorrow, Thurs 13 Sept, to Bubalu cafe on Gloucester Rd. 

We'll be there from 10.30am until about midday. This is because April's house is still in the grip of some building work and not very baby friendly at the moment! Drinks and snacks will be available to buy and we'll try to pick up some books from the library to bring along. Sorry for the late notice! With love from the Bristol Leaders.

Any questions, please ring Charlie, Vicky or April.