Sunday, 23 September 2012

The next meeting will be on Thursday 11 October and we'll be discussing ways to make time for breastfeeding. We'll be meeting at 53 Zetland Rd from 10.15am until about midday. See the page on 'Meetings, Dates, Times and Locations' for map and directions.

Hope to see you there,
with love from the Bristol Leaders

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am breast feeding and co sleeping with my one year old. I keep disturbing her when I move or roll over and then she wants my nipple for a dummy all night which is uncomfortable!
Will this naturally come to an end ???? or am I making a rod for my back and lulling her into a false sense of security at the same time because at some point I'll have to be hardcore to get her out of my bed and hopefully sleeping through? I would love to read compassionate advice for my problem because all i ever hear is that I've got to be cruel to be kind and about sleep training and how I've created a monster and what did I expect etc.