Thursday, 17 January 2013

Coffee Mornings starting again

As several of you have been asking about whether the Coffee Mornings will be starting up again, you'll be pleased to hear that Jenny has decided to host them at her house in Bradley Stoke.

Coffee Mornings are a chance for mums and babies to get together. There is no set discussion topic but there will be either a LLL Leader or experienced mums present to ask about any queries as well as LLL information sheets.

All breastfeeding women and their children are welcome to come along. Coffee Mornings, like other meetings, are free - although donations are always welcome. If you can bring some food or drink to share, it would be much appreciated.

Coffee Mornings will be held on Thursday 28 Feb, Thursday 21 March and Thursday 25 April from 10.15am to 12pm at 36 Watch Elm Close, Bradley Stoke, Bristol BS32 8AN.

For further information, ring Jenny on 0117 909 3969.

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