'A - Z of Breastfeeding'
Last 'Series Meeting' for mothers of younger babies
Thurs 9 January, 10.15am - 12pm
53 Zetland RdRedland BS6 7AJ. Just off Gloucester Rd

From February 2014 onwards the focus of LLL Bristol meetings will change to concentrate on the issues encountered by mothers breastfeeding toddlers. Meetings will be held in Bradley Stoke and not at Zetland Rd:

TODDLER MEETING - 'Breastfeeding Well as Time Goes By'
Thurs 13 February, 10.30am - 12pm
36 Watch Elm Close, Bradley Stoke, Bristol, BS32 8AN

TODDLER MEETING - 'What to Expect - Knowing What's Normal and Avoiding Problems'
Thurs 13 March, 10.30am - 12pm

36 Watch Elm Close, Bradley Stoke, Bristol, BS32 8AN

TODDLER MEETING - 'The Value of Breast Milk to the Baby Starting Solids'
Thurs 10 April, 10.30am - 12pm
36 Watch Elm Close, Bradley Stoke, Bristol, BS32 8AN